Thursday, August 25, 2005

Jesus Loves You

When Sweet Girl was a baby, I would put her to bed and, as I walked out of the room, I would say, "Mommy loves you! Daddy loves you! Grandma loves you! Jesus loves you!". Sometimes the list would be nearly every relative we have. Five years later, I still go through this list every night, only now she repeats it back to me: "Mommy loves you!" ("Mommy loves you!") "Daddy loves you!" ("Daddy loves you!") "Grandma loves you!" ("Grandma loves you!") "Jesus loves you!" ("Jesus loves you!")

I know the day will come when Sweet Girl decides that the ritual is no longer needed. I am not looking forward to that day. When all is said and done, with the variances of each day and the ins and outs, I look forward to the stability of this one ritual.

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