The one and only reason I am sitting at this computer to type anything is because I promised myself I would write every single day for the rest of November. I have to be up at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow to work early, and then take my mom to the hospital for a CAT scan at 12:30. As it is is 11:30 now, this will be short.
Champs and I decided to tithe. We took the challenge to see God's faithfulness to our family. Although right at the moment I am discouraged like you would not believe, I am also choosing to be encouraged.
Why? Because we have no money. Christmas is 6 weeks away. We're behind on the house payment. Champs has been out of work for months. I've been so busy working that I haven't kept up with the bills and responsibilities here at home. And just tonight our car (oh yeah, we're behind on that payment, too) locked up and died in our driveway, leaking pink fluid. Champs thinks it has a torn coolant hose. I'm really glad I got to the driveway before the steering locked.
And at a time like this, I can choose to be upset with God, or I can choose to look to the bigger picture. If Satan is trying this hard to make us stop tithing, then God must have something really good planned if we can stay the course and be faithful.
Oh Lord, I hope so.
I'm so sorry, BG. I'm glad you're choosing to have a good attitude about it. If there is one thing I doggedly believe it's that God is faithful even though it's impossible to see it sometimes. He'll get you through this just like he has before. said it yourself! And I quote, ' If Satan is trying this hard to make us stop tithing, then God must have something really good planned if we can stay the course and be faithful!"
So, I decided that if Satan is trying so hard to get to Noah with all these neurological problems, Noah must be in for something HUGE in a future that very well could be in service to God! Woo Hoo!
Thank you for sharing!
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